Interested in becoming a member?
Distinguish yourself from the competition. REALTOR® membership is the key! As a REALTOR®, you join 15,000 members locally and more than 1,300,000 members nationally who share your enthusiasm and commitment to the REALTOR® profession. We are committed to providing you with an array of member benefits designed to contribute to your success.
Looking to connect with Fayette County area REALTORS® to showcase your company's products or services? Become a FCBR Affiliate member.
Click here to view the 2025 Affiliate Pro-Rated Dues Schedule
Contact us if you have any questions!
New Member Cheat Sheet
- Fill out an application from above. Once submitted staff will review your application for membership.
- Your NRDS# will be assigned by staff and listed in your welcome emailed letter.
- Primary Membership vs. Secondary Membership: Primary membership must be held at a board that your Broker is a member of. Secondary membership can be held at any board once you have established primary membership. Your Broker does no have to be a member of the secondary board.
- REALTOR vs. Affiliate Membership: REALTOR membership is for anyone that has a real estate license and that will be practicing real estate. Affiliate membership is for anyone that is in the real estate business. Example: Attorney's, Bankers, Pest Control, Inspectors.
- You will receive 3 emails from FCBR regarding your membership after making payment. All 3 emails are emailed to the address provided on your application
- Welcome Letter
- Receipt of Payment
- Conformation of New Member Orientation sign up
- Complete Code of Ethics and New Member Orientation (information in welcome letter) Must be completed within 6 months of becoming a member.
- If you need a Supra ekey the Board can assist you over the phone. Supra has their own set of fees separate from board fees.
- Your username and password to our website at www.FayetteRealtors.com will be sent to you in your welcome email letter.