New Code of Ethics Training Selection Tool

NAR has just launched a new tool that allows yous to check your training status, choose your preferred Code of Ethics training format (online or in person), and go directly to the training options available to them. We strongly encourage you to use this tool for your COE training needs! The Code of Ethics Training Selection tool is available at It can also be accessed through the COE training page and search results on
We hope this helps! Questions? Please contact our team at
Code of Ethics is a membership requirement & not a license requirement. Code of Ethics is required every 3 years per the National Association of REALTORS and we are currently in Cycle 6 (January 2019 -December 31st 2021). All Active members must complete their Cycle 6 Code of Ethics by December 31st 2021 in order to stay in good standing with a Board of REALTORS. This new tool will tell you if you are in need of COE training for the current cycle. You can always call your Local Board of REALTORS to find out if you need to take it or not for the current cycle.